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Bradford Preparatory School

Kathy Paredi, Middle School Principal

Kathy Paredi graduated from Dowling College in New York in 1999. She began her teaching career in The Bronx, NY. She moved to NC 17 years ago. She earned her Master's Degree in Administration in 2011. Kathy has also lived in Florida for 2 years. She has taught grades 3-9 during her career. She has taught ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies at multiple grade levels. She is teaching 8th grade Science at Bradford. Kathy has led NJHS and is currently working on building a greenhouse for Bradford from water bottles. She is passionate about education. Kathy lives in Huntersville with her husband 2 dogs and youngest son (when he is home from college). She loves to cook, read, do puzzles, and spend time with her granddaughter, husband, two sons, and daughter-in-law.


Upcoming Information

Please be sure to have crayons or colored pencils  for class tomorrow.
Next Quiz on Evolution/Genetics On Monday 12/9/19
Unit Test on  12/17/19
I have recommended to all of the 8th Grade Science students that a great way to study and prepare is to create flashcards each evening with the information we have covered in class that day. This will enable them to review information each evening and keep it all fresh. Hopefully it will prevent the need for "cramming" the night before.
As always, I am available for tutoring M-Th beginning at 7:05 a.m.

Test 11/25/19

We will be having a mid unit test on Monday 11/25/19! It is on Geology and the students have notes to study.
A great way to study is to make flashcards. I recommend keeping the flashcards as a reference and reviewing them all throughout the school year. This is a great way to keep information fresh in our minds for the EOG.

Pangaea and Continental Drift

We had a great lab today! We recreated Pangaea on an orange. If you have an orange at home, ask your student to show you the lab.

Project and Quiz

There is a take home project which is due Thursday 11/7/19. There will also be a quiz on the information for water and Geologic Time that day. All notes and the project are available to your student on Canvas.

Quiz Tuesday

Just a reminder that we have a quiz on Thursday 10/29/19. It will be on the notes from Canvas referencing water. There will be some questions regarding past materials as we need to keep spiraling for Science this year.

New Unit

We have begun our new Unit on Geologic Time with an introduction to water and it's unique properties. 

Unit Test

There will be a Unit Test for 8th grade on the Chemistry Unit. The date for the test is set for 10/22/19 in all classes. A study guide will be coming home on Thursday 10/17/19.


There is a Science quiz on Tuesday 10/15/19. We reviewed in class but students should go over their notes.