Student Services
At Bradford Prep we work to provide Parents and Students with the services needed to help fulfill the Bradford Prep mission and create a positive experience for all.
School Counseling
At Bradford Prep we are fortunate to have a strong school counseling program. We have 5 school counselors that provide services to students in all grade levels. Our counselors focus on supporting the mental health of our students through group counseling, short-term individual counseling and whole group class lessons. Our counselors serve as the connection between the mental health needs of our students, our parents and the community! Click above to learn more about this amazing team!
College Counseling
As a college prep school, college counseling is an integral part of our educational program. Our college counselors start working with students in 9th grade as they enter into their upper school career. Our college counseling program focuses on working with students individually, providing college tours, college visits and workshops that help our students and parents with the college process. Click above to learn more about this program!
Federal Programs
As a public school we have access to several federal programs that help us support our families. These programs are funded through federal funds and required for all public schools, including public charter schools. Click above to learn about our current federal programs.
Parent Resources
As a school it is important to us that we help and support our families in a variety of ways. Our student services department works hard to connect our parents and families to a variety or resources. Check out the available resources by clicking the link above.
State Testing
As a public school we are required to conduct a variety of state required tests. We also provide additional testing at the school level. Please click the link above for additional details on our state testing program.
Exceptional Children (EC) and 504 Plans
At Bradford Prep we provide a wide variety of supports through our EC and 504 programs. Services are provided through official 504 plans and Individualized Education Plans (IEP). We also provide academic and behavioral interventions through our intervention team process. Please click above to learn more about these services.
We are lucky to have full time school nurses at Bradford Prep. Our nurses provide a wide variety of services. To learn how our school nurses help support our students and families, please click the link above.
Community Service & House System
Community service is a big part of Bradford Prep. To help develop compassionate learners, we provide a variety of service projects for our staff and students. Every October we have our annual Community Service Day! On this day our staff and students complete a number of service projects for the local and international communities. Each month our students develop and implement their own service project. These projects are done through the House system.
Teen Mental Health First Aid
This is an evidence-based training that teaches teens in grades 9-12, or ages 14-18, how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges. The training gives teens the skills they need to have supportive conversations with their friends and emphasizes the importance of getting help from a responsible and trusted adult. Teens who participate in tMHFA will receive a certificate of completion for taking the course and a manual to use during the course that they can take home after the last session. Bradford Prep trains all upper school students in this program. Click the below for more information. Parents can opt out of the training by completing the form below. Click this link to watch the recording of the parent meeting held on January 9, 2025.
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