Upper School Curriculum and Program Information
Below is information on our upper school program and curriculum. The Bradford Prep Upper School consists of courses that teach the NC State Standards and courses that were created by the Bradford Prep staff. The details for the curriculum are listed below.
Parental Access for Grades 9-12
Parents will have access to specific instructional materials by way of the following:
- Description: Common Curriculum is a live planbook that allows parents to see the overview of the units per subject, per grade-level. The links to these planbooks are located below and includes the following elements:
- Unit description
- Unit Focus Standards
- Unit Learning Objectives
- Unit Independent Practice Focus
- Unit Materials (Books, videos, articles, etc.,)
- The links for these planbooks will be updated yearly as at the end of the school year, Common Curriculum archives planbooks which allows us to have a point of reference for previous years.
- Common Curriculum Planbooks cover the following subjects
- English Language Arts
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- Spanish
- Description: Common Curriculum is a live planbook that allows parents to see the overview of the units per subject, per grade-level. The links to these planbooks are located below and includes the following elements:
English I, II, III, IV- CommonLit 360- Website: CommonLit 360
- CommonLit 360 is a research-based, evidence-driven curriculum designed for grades 3-12 in English Language Arts. It includes engaging short stories, book pairings, and adaptable lessons that help students develop the foundational reading and writing skills essential for academic success. CommonLit 360 serves as a supplemental curriculum, frequently used to address the individualized needs of students. The program is aligned with NCSoS standards.
- CommonLit 360 serves as the foundational curriculum for English Language Arts. Teachers work with the curriculum facilitator to adjust lessons to fit the needs of their students
English Professional Learning Community (Vertical and Team Planning)
- The English Department works closely with the curriculum facilitator to develop units and lessons that meet the needs of students, align with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, and maintain appropriate grade-level rigor. The team thoroughly analyzes data points and uses this information to create lessons and supplemental materials that support effective instruction.
- Once a quarter, the team engages in vertical planning, a method where ELA teachers from grades 6-12 collaborate to map out what students are learning throughout the year. Additionally, teachers and the curriculum facilitator analyze data and student outcomes to develop a scope and sequence that addresses gaps across the seven grade levels.
Social Studies: World History, American History, Personal Finance and Economics, Civics
Professional Learning Community (Vertical and Team Planning)
- The social studies department works closely with the curriculum facilitator to develop units and lessons that meet the needs of students, align with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, and maintain appropriate grade-level rigor. The team thoroughly analyzes data points and uses this information to create lessons and supplemental materials that support effective instruction. Due to the extensive nature of the social studies department, there is not one foundational curriculum. However, an array of reputable sources are used to build the scope and sequence, such as:
- NBC News Learn
- National Geographic
- Britannica
- Once a quarter, the team engages in vertical planning, a method where social studies teachers from grades 6-12 collaborate to map out what students are learning throughout the year. Additionally, teachers and the curriculum facilitator analyze data and student outcomes to develop a scope and sequence that addresses gaps across the seven grade levels.
- The social studies department works closely with the curriculum facilitator to develop units and lessons that meet the needs of students, align with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, and maintain appropriate grade-level rigor. The team thoroughly analyzes data points and uses this information to create lessons and supplemental materials that support effective instruction. Due to the extensive nature of the social studies department, there is not one foundational curriculum. However, an array of reputable sources are used to build the scope and sequence, such as:
Advanced Placement Courses (AP): College Board- Website: Advanced Placement Course Information
Bradford Preparatory School offers Advanced Placement (AP) courses. AP courses are classified as college-level classes that offer students the opportunity to engage in rigorous academic work across various subjects. Depending on the coursework, the curriculum framework is developed by College Board, along with the required scope and sequence set forth. Bradford Preparatory School offers the following AP Courses:
AP Biology
AP Calculus
AP Capstone
AP Chemistry
AP Earth and Environmental
AP English Language and Composition
AP English Literature and Composition
AP Government and Politics
AP Physics
AP Research
AP Seminar
AP United States and History
AP World History
Bradford Prep 9th Grade Health Units and Details